Person Sheet

Name John EDWARDS, 2843
Birth 1789, Burghe Lincs
Occupation 1841: malster. 1849: gentleman. 1861: retired innkeeper.
1 Jane BURDIN, 3336
Marriage 19 6 1815, Denton Lincs
Marriage Memo A455011
Children: Thomas, 3338 (1820-)
Sarah, 3334 (1822-)
Fanny, 2844 (1827-)
Elizabeth, 2842 (1830-)
John Mark, 3335 (1832-)
2 Elizabeth HARRIS, 3333
Birth 1794
Marriage 1841, Grantham
Marriage Memo IoM 1Q1841 Grantham 14/480
Notes for John EDWARDS
MC of Elizabeth (2842): names, occ. 1837Online071106: census1841, 1861.
Census1841 625/5/36/17: aged50-54, hd at Commercial Road Grantham Spittlegate, occ. Census1861 2352/37/5: aged71 assYofB1789, wid, lodger at Commercial Road Grantham Spittlegate, occ, PofB.
Notes for Jane (Spouse 1)
ChrRs of Thomas, Sarah, Frances #1, Frances #2, Elizabeth and John Mark: christian name. MR: maiden name.
Notes for John & Jane (Family)
LDSOnline220212: MR.
Census Notes for Elizabeth (Spouse 2)
Census1841 625/5/36/17: aged47 assYofB1794, ass wife at Commercial Road Grantham Spittlegate.
Misc. Notes
IoM: previous name. 1837Online071106: census1841.
Last Modified 26 6 2007 Created 30 7 2023 by Guy Meakin's EasyTree

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