Person Sheet

Name Patrick S DAINTRY, 2C2R, 689
Birth 1916, North Rode Age: 107
Birth Memo IoB 4Q1916 Macclesfield 8a214
Father George Percival DAINTRY, 341 (1871-1936)
Mother Dorothy RIDGWAY, 340 (1880-1977)
1 Marie SCOTT, 688
Marriage 1939, Bromsgrove area
Marriage Memo IoM 1Q1939 Bromsgrove 6c353
Children: Annette P, 693
John M, 697
Patrick Nicholas, 700
Notes for Patrick S DAINTRY
Pauline's trees 270797: 6th of 7 "Pat". Wife's name and children in Rodney's writing. Ancestry240212: IoB.
Notes for Marie (Spouse 1)
IoM: "Marie Scott".
Notes for Patrick S & Marie (Family)
Ancestry250212: IoM.
Last Modified 24 2 2012 Created 30 7 2023 by Guy Meakin's EasyTree

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